Reputation, Experience, Surgical Excellence & Affordable Prices

george-peck-mdPlastic Surgery is an art as well as a science. The most important goals in cosmetic plastic surgery are patient satisfaction and patient safety. My primary focus is to be safe, conservative, and have positive outcomes. I achieve these goals by carefully listening to my patients during consultation and aligning the patients’ desires with realistic expectations. I provide a thorough and straightforward surgical consultation.

The best plastic surgery results are beautiful, natural, and undetectable. In general, less is more! My goal is to perform the smallest procedure to achieve the most significant result. A person’s physical appearance is important to self-esteem and happiness. My goal is too make my patient’s happy and confident with their looks.

I am also very conscious of the economy and my patient’s financial concerns so my fees are highly competitive. Why so competitive? Because I can! I have access to my own Medicare Approved Surgicenter, Essex Surgical, and can keep the costs to a minimum. Our Board Anesthesiolgists give our cosmetic patients discounted rates. Of course, financing is available.

In my professional life, I strive to promote and advance the expanding field of plastic surgery. It takes extra effort to stay at the forefront of a field that is constantly changing, but I believe it is essential in order to keep my patients well informed about the latest, state of the art surgical techniques available in the world.

Every patient is an individual with different goals, expectations and aesthetic concerns. Through experience and constant evaluation of emerging technologies, I have designed surgical procedures that are the safe, less painful, more effective, and have less recovery time. My goal is to achieve high patient satisfaction rates and positive outcomes. This goal is achieved in the comfort of my own Medicare Approved ambulatory care center.